The deadline to apply for the Summer Research & Innovation Program for Class of 2026 is Monday, November 4, 2024 at 11:59 PM (midnight).
Applications for Summer for Class of 2027 open October 2025!
About Morganton-Hosted SRIP
NCSSM Morganton-hosted Summer Research & Innovation Program (SRIP) is open to all Residential and Online juniors to apply in October-November. Students accepted to Morganton-hosted SRIP will live on campus to work with NCSSM faculty or with volunteer mentors off-campus for full days over 1-7 weeks of the summer while living at NCSSM at no cost.
Morganton SRIP/Mentorship Virtual Fairs
Oct. 7 for SRIP (Google Site available Oct. 7)
Oct. 14 for Mentorship (more info coming soon)
Additional Interest Meetings: Links and dates/times TBD
Fun in the Sun: SRIP Activities!
Summer 2025 Programs at NCSSM Morganton
All Summer 2025 Morganton-hosted SRIP programs offer opportunities that are available to Durham & Morganton residential and Online students!
Table of Contents

Computer Science and Software Incubator (3 weeks)
Coding is one thing, but designing and developing robust applications is another. In our Incubator, you will formulate and propose a project to complete and recruit their peers to help. While working on your project, we will cover development strategies, testing methodologies, and other aspects which will affect your software (like Intellectual Property Law). Prior to the Incubator, you meet with the Instructor weekly to come up with a good project and research what tools you will use.
Additional Requirement(s):
Students must have completed at least one formal computer science class either at NCSSM or at their home high school/community college or have gotten a 4/5 on the CS AP A.
Department: Engineering and Computer Science
Contact: Brian Sea (
Program Dates: June 9 - June 27 (move-in June 8, move-out June 27)
Maximum Positions Available: 12
Interest Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, October 8th, 5:00 - 6:00 PM
Interest Meeting Location: Zoom
Data Science Service Learning (5 weeks)
NCSSM students will apply their data science skills in small teams to help a local Burke County community organization solve a problem using data. During the 5-week program, each team of NCSSM students will learn about their community organization through weekly on-site visits and learn data science skills and methodologies from graduate students at NC State's Data Science Academy. NCSSM students can expect to analyze data, interpret results, and communicate the impact of their work to their stakeholders.
Community partner projects may include developing more effective member/donor databases, analyzing trends in the utilization of services, optimizing resource allocation, or finding new insights that better achieve the organizations' missions.
Additional Requirement(s):
Students should have completed an introductory course in Data Science (such as MA4110 Foundations of Data Science), statistics, and/or computer programming. Students don't need to have completed coursework in all three areas, but they'll be working on a team where all of these experiences need to be present.
Department: Data Science
Contact: Jane Cantwell (
Program Dates: June 9 - July 18 (move-in June 8, move-out June 18)
Maximum Positions Available: 12
Interest Meeting Date/Time: Thursday, October 10th, 5:00 PM
Interest Meeting Location: Zoom
Designing Historical and Social Science Research Projects (2 weeks)
Are you interested in exploring an aspect of local history in your hometown? Or perhaps, you wish to explore a topic further afield in both time and space, such as the Roman Empire or Sengoku-era Japan? This SRIP will introduce you to some of the different methodologies and processes used to engage in historical research and to design an original research project. In addition to learning how to use NCSSM digital resources we will explore the use of different methodological approaches such as Social History, Gender History, Military History, Environmental History and Public History and archival sites in Morganton, Asheville and Boone. Morganton students can use this SRIP to prepare for participating in RHUM in Fall of 2025 and online students can design a research project that they can continue working on at their home school.
Additional Requirement(s):
Interest in historical and/or social science research. Organized and detail-oriented.
Department: Humanities
Contact: Marcelo Aranda (
Program Dates: June 9 - June 20 (move-in June 8, move-out June 20)
Maximum Positions Available: 12
Interest Meeting Date/Time: Wednesday, October 9th, 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Interest Meeting Location: Zoom
Leading Music Therapy Activities for People with Dementia (2 weeks)
Rhythmic activities and therapeutic drumming circles are among the most effective tools we have for creating a communal experience among residents with dementia. Rhythm and music strongly predicated on a rhythmic beat allows residents to respond to one another, with a feeling of competence ""in the moment"" and often with joy. Participating in a rhythm circle allows the resident with dementia who may have lost executive abilities, to take an object and affect another object - and sustain that activity. It provides for meaningful sound when communication skills have deteriorated. Students will learn to be group leaders and observe, first-hand, the ""change"" that people with dementia may experience by participating in musical activities.
Additional Requirement(s):
The only musical skill required for this SRIP is a willingness to keep a steady beat with handheld percussion instruments like rhythm sticks, shakers and hand drums. This musical experience is more about having fun while engaging with people that are facing dementia, while observing any transformation that may occur. During rhythmic activities individuals participate in rhythmic body movement, drumming, auditory stimulation, and playing musical instruments, to name a few.
Department: Fine Arts
Contact: Jim Kirkpatrick (
Program Dates: June 9 - June 20 (move-in June 8, move-out June 20)
Maximum Positions Available: 10
Interest Meeting Date/Time: Thursday, October 17th, 5:00 - 6:00 PM
Interest Meeting Location: Zoom
Mentorship Program (Timelines vary)
The Mentorship program shares an application with SRIP. The Mentorship 1: Summer timeline is also available to Durham residential and Online students. Students that participate in timelines that include a summer component (Mentorship 1: Summer, Mentorship 3: Extended) will participate in SRIP.
NCSSM Morganton-hosted student experiences are diverse with research scholars and professionals at research universities, companies, and nonprofit agencies in Western NC. The range of topics and fields of interest widely vary (STEM, social sciences and humanities). Each year partnerships are established by NCSSM Morganton’s Director of Mentorship and Research prior to the fall application and the mentors participating are invited to attend the NCSSM Morganton-hosted events to meet students and answer questions about the experiences they are offering.
The Mentorship Program has additional requirements required for participation and matriculation through the program, visit the Mentorship page below to learn more.
Department: Mentorship & Research
Contact: Collyn Gaffney (
Summer Program Dates: Varies by program, 5-7 weeks beginning June 9
Maximum Positions Available: Timeline dependent, visit the Morganton Mentorship page to learn more.
Mapping Folklore across Western North Carolina (2 weeks)
Are you familiar with some of the prevailing folktales associated with Western North Carolina? What were the socio-political and socio-economic origins of these tales, and how have they circulated and been preserved? And why do these paranormal narratives still resonate with us?
This interdisciplinary SRIP will mirror collegiate folklore studies and introduce students to ethnography, history, and the study of popular culture by providing opportunities for students to research folktales of the Old North State as literary texts.
During our two weeks together, we will explore and analyze folktales, paying particular attention to their literary structure, historical and social contexts, and the multiple interpretations they invite us to consider. We will discover overlapping patterns in these stories and attempt to map their connections and places of origin to see whether natural disasters, political conflicts, personal tragedies, or unexplained phenomena played a role in their origins.
We will also go on field trips to sites and archives in Asheville, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, and Linville Falls and conduct independent research projects. Students will share the fruits of their research in an academic essay or in a creative project that grows out of their study of a folk tradition in their own family or hometown.
Join us as we dive into local and regional archives, examine oral traditions and literary texts, and conduct online and on-the-ground research to uncover the fascinating connection between Western North Carolina folk narratives and our state’s history.
Additional Requirement(s):
Department: Humanities
Contact: Dr. Christy Davenport (, Dr. Meltem Safak (
Program Dates: June 9 - June 20 (move-in June 8, move-out June 20)
Maximum Positions Available: 10
Interest Meeting Date/Time: Wednesday, October 9th, 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Interest Meeting Location: Zoom
Robotics Design Exploration (3 weeks)
Students will get the opportunity to conduct an in-depth exploration of the field of Robotics. Students will create team-based robotic designs and software development within mobile or underwater environments. Software topics may include; A.I., Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Path Planning. Students will also learn to use the Fab Lab metal shop equipment for the custom fabrication of their designs.
Additional Requirement(s):
Intermediate skills in Python/C++ and CAD software
Department: Engineering & Computer Science
Contact: Mr. Matthew Hilton (
Program Dates: June 9 - June 27 (move-in June 8, move-out June 27)
Maximum Positions Available: 10
Interest Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, October 15th, 3:30 - 4:15 PM
Interest Meeting Location: Zoom