Summer Research & Innovation Showcase 2020

The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics is proud to present the final projects of our 2020 Summer Research & Innovation Program. This year’s Showcase reflects a community of students, mentors, instructors, and more who have risen to the challenge of virtual research from across North Carolina and beyond. We hope you will enjoy exploring our students’ summer research adventures!

243 students participated in NCSSMs Summer Research & Innovation Program (SRIP) this summer, working virtually from across the entire state of North Carolina. SRIP serves students from both NCSSM's Durham and Online campuses, as well as one student from our sister school, the Louisiana School for Math, Science, and The Arts.

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Many thanks to our exceptional cooperating institutions, North Carolina State University, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, East Carolina University, Stanford University, University of Washington, Kansas State University, Renaissance Computing Institute at UNC (RENCI), and RTI International, for enriching the experiences of our students. 

To all our Mentors that volunteered their time and expertise to help our students experience applied research and development, our deepest appreciation and gratitude for your kindness and generosity. 

Thanks to Dr. Todd Roberts, Dr. Katie O’Connor, and the NCSSM Foundation for their vision, support and dedication in making this program possible. 

Many thanks as well, to our Research Instructors: Dr. Jon Bennett, Dr. Michael Bruno, Dr. David Cantrell, Mr. Robert Gotwals, Dr. Letitia Hubbard, Mr. Keethan Kleiner, Mr. Nick Koberstein, Mr. Todd Lee, Dr. Kim Monahan, Dr. Sarah Parsons, Ms. Shoshana Segal, Dr. Sarah Shoemaker, Mr. Chris Thomas, and Mr. Bobby Warren, and the NCSSM support staff: Ms. Mary Slawter, Ms. Deann Cooke, Ms. Carmen Moa-Rivera, Ms. Kate Axelrod, Ms. Jennifer Garrison, and Ms. Kathy Mueller, and to all of the other amazing and dedicated people who participated in making this summer program a success! 

Special thanks to the support and funding provided by Burroughs Wellcome Fund and GlaxoSmithKline.