The deadline to apply for the Summer Research & Innovation Program for Class of 2026 was Monday, November 4, 2024 at 11:59 PM (midnight).
Applications for Summer for the Class of 2027 open October 2025!
About Durham-Hosted SRIP
NCSSM Durham-hosted Summer Research & Innovation Program (SRIP) is open to all Residential and Online juniors to apply in October-November. Students accepted to Durham-hosted SRIP will live on campus to work with NCSSM faculty or with volunteer mentors off-campus for full days over 2-5 weeks of the summer while living at NCSSM at no cost.
Durham Summer Research & Innovation Showcase
The Durham Summer Research & Innovation Program concludes with a presentation opportunity to showcase not only their discoveries from their projects, but also to demonstrate the development and growth that is an integral part of this adventure. The SRIP Showcase compiles all students' submissions of a written abstract and a 3 minute video.
Other communication opportunities may be available/required by SRIP instructors. All SRIP students are also encouraged to present in various competitions/conferences available throughout the academic year (including for example Science and Engineering Fair, State of NC Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium-SNCURCS, and Junior Science and Humanities Symposium-JSHS).
Explore SRIP 2025 on Durham's Campus!

Zoom link for all sessions
Tues. Oct. 8 4-5pm
Thurs. Oct. 10 3:00-4:30pm
Fri. Oct. 18 7-8am
Fri. Oct. 18 12-1pm
Fri. Oct. 18 4-5pm
Wed. Oct. 23 7-8am
Mon. Oct. 28 4-5pm
Tues. Oct. 29 3:30-4:30pm
Fri. Nov. 1 12-1pm
Fri. Nov. 1 4-5pm
Mon. Nov. 4 7-8am
Mon. Nov. 4 4-5pm
Fun in the Sun: SRIP Activities!
Summer 2025 Programs at NCSSM Durham
All Summer 2025 Durham-hosted Summer programs offer opportunities that are available to Durham & Morganton residential and Online students!

How to do a Startup: An Experience in Entrepreneurship (2 weeks)
This two-week program offers students the opportunity to learn how to do a startup venture under the direction of seasoned entrepreneurs. Through a series of entrepreneur-led workshops, students gain the practical knowledge and insight needed to start and scale a new venture. From value proposition design to building a business model, students explore the dynamics of the startup process in collaboration with entrepreneurs. Along the way, students develop the entrepreneurial mindset as they design their own nascent startup venture proposal. At its core, this summer program in entrepreneurship affords students a unique, behind-the-scenes experience of what it means to build and grow a startup.
Department: Data Science
Contact: Mr. Chad Keister (
Program Dates: June 9 - June 20 (move-in June 8, move-out June 20)
Maximum Positions Available: 15
Virtual Interest Meeting: Monday, October 7th, 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Virtual Interest Meeting Recording: Click HERE for the recording.
Mentorship Program (Timelines vary)
The Mentorship program shares an application with SRIP. The Mentorship 1: Summer timeline is available to Morganton residential and Online students. Students that participate in timelines that include a summer component (Mentorship 1: Summer, Mentorship 3: Extended) will participate in SRIP.
NCSSM Durham-hosted student experiences are primarily within academic research with partners at Duke University, NC Central University, NC State University, and UNC-Chapel Hill and the Mentorship course curriculum is extensively research-focused. The range of topics and fields of interest widely vary within research (STEM, social sciences and humanities). Each year a limited number of mentors outside of academia are available such as with RTI International, a local architecture firm, or a local start-up company.
The Mentorship Program has additional requirements required for participation and matriculation through the program, visit the Mentorship page below to learn more.
Department: Mentorship & Research
Contact: Dr. Letitia Hubbard (, Dr. Sarah Shoemaker (, Mr. Bobby Warren (
Summer Program Dates: June 9 - July 18 (move-in June 8, move-out July 18; with a break from July 1-5)
Maximum Positions Available: Timeline dependent, visit the Durham Mentorship page to learn more.
Virtual Interest Meeting: Monday, October 7th, 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Virtual Interest Meeting Recording: Click HERE for the recording (same for M1, M2, M3)
Summer Research in the Humanities (3 weeks)
The goal of Summer Research is to introduce students to work inside and outside of archives and other sites of historical knowledge, allowing them to acquire a stronger and more sophisticated sense not only of textual but of material and cultural objects and artifacts. This course is inseparably critical and creative: critical, for it teaches students to interrogate the very notion of an archive, and creative, for the interrogation will lead to their own production of knowledge in the form of a research proposal. In the last ten years or so, the institutional limitations of archives have been valuably identified; however, the recognition that sites of knowledge are constructed does not imply the determination of what can be known. For if it is the work of archivists to identify, catalog and systematize, and protect the objects in their collection, it is not their job to study exhaustively all the contents of their collection. They might emphasize some objects at the expense of others, but they do not prevent the discovery of new meanings in the available items. There is always the possibility for surprise, even delight (or horror) within the site in which documents and other objects are stored. The great opportunity, at once theoretical and practical, of the active investigation of the collections at UNC and Duke is to work with documents whose significance is not altogether clear as well as those whose significance seems peculiarly determined—so clear, in other words, that other meanings are obscured or occluded. Our focus upon archival is, however, necessarily grounded in the historical worlds of the local. In other words, the ground underneath the student’s feet, its deep histories and disruptions, will become the object of our study. What is the relation between local knowledge and global experience? How do economic and social transformations shape the more intimate, everyday forms of cultural practice and political desire in places seemingly far removed from such forces?
Trips to diverse museums as well as more informal excursions to historical sites and to renovated and ruined places in and around Durham will offer further practice in the difficult pleasures of reading diverse objects (including architecture) in their relation to built space. Evenings will be spent in reading and in conversation, preparing for the next day’s adventures. What will advene, however, cannot be foretold.
A willingness to participate critically and creatively in your own education.
Department: Humanities
Contact(s): Dr. David Cantrell (, Dr. Tatiana McInnis (
Program Dates: June 9 - June 27 (move-in June 8, move-out June 27)
Maximum Positions Available: 30
Virtual Interest Meeting: Monday, October 7th, 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Virtual Interest Meeting Link: Zoom
Virtual Interest Meeting Recording: TBA, if available
Summer Research in Mathematics (3 weeks)
This summer program is a three-week on-campus research program in mathematics. Students will form small groups to investigate a mathematical problem and communicate their findings to others. Daily activities will include whole group meetings, small group meetings, and individual work time. Students will also communicate their findings with the whole group on the last day of the program.
Selected students must have demonstrated both an excellence in mathematics and an interest in collaborative math research.
Department: Mathematics
Contact: Dr. Michael Lavigne (
Program Dates: June 9 - June 27 (move-in June 8, move-out June 27)
Maximum Positions Available: 16
Virtual Interest Meeting: Monday, October 7th, 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Virtual Interest Meeting Link: Zoom
Virtual Interest Meeting Recording: TBA, if available