Our Supporters
Supporting transportation, faculty/staff support, and opportunities for over 680 students all around the state of North Carolina
The Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Supports the North Carolina STEM Hall of Fame Gala as well as research, mentorship, and innovation at NCSSM; helps fund the North Carolina Student Academy of Science Delegation to the AAAS/AJAS Annual Meeting.
The NCSSM Foundation
NCSSM's Unrestricted Endowment Program funds all of the school's activities, including research and innovation. By giving to this endowment, you can help create a legacy of support for NCSSM and it's purpose of providing North Carolina students the opportunity to grow through research and academic programs.
The Ryden AI Program
A result of a $2 million donation from alumnus and PrecisionLender® CEO Carl Ryden, The Ryden AI Program for Innovation and Leadership in Artificial Intelligence was introduced at NCSSM with the goal of empowering students with tools to use machine learning, data science, and AI to solve the problems of the future.
The Bowman-Brockman Endowment
The Bowman-Brockman Endowment provides NCSSM students with funding to pursue advanced research topics in STEM and start their own ventures. This by-application funding source has supported dozens of students, in teams or individually, to initiate ambitious projects over the past decade.
The Glaxo Foundation Endowment
The Glaxo Foundation Endowment for Student Research supports students independent scientific research-particularly in biology-but also supports NCSSM's summer and research experience programs.